Put Yourself on a Packing Diet and Lighten Your Load!

Put Yourself on a Packing Diet and Lighten Your Load!

Eat a handful of almonds or peanuts every day for a month and you’ll put on a couple of pounds. Toss them in for a year and you’re going to be spilling over the top of your skinny jeans.  It’s the same with packing.  The smallest items start to add up and before you...

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Tiki Drink Done Right – The Perfect Mai Tai

Tiki Drink Done Right – The Perfect Mai Tai

What is it that makes a Mai Tai so appealing? -- That you drink it watching a tropical sunset over the Pacific?…or the fresh pineapple, kitschy paper parasol and mint bouquet that stud the glass? Maybe it’s that once you’ve made your way through a few Mai Tais over...

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Castroville Artichoke Festival

Castroville Artichoke Festival

Castroville Artichoke Festival Don’t let the spiky tips fool you – this edible flower bud from the thistle family can be transformed into all kinds of goodies. The Italians turn it into a bitter digestivo liquor called Cynar; the French like them stuffed with parsley,...

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Six Places for Perfect Poke on the Big Island of Hawaii

Six Places for Perfect Poke on the Big Island of Hawaii

Poke, how do I love thee…let me count the ways. Sweetie, Hottie, Spicy, Stunna … you perfect tender cubes of raw ahi tuna tossed with threads of briny seaweed, green onions, soy sauce, sesame seeds and kukui nuts or macadamia nuts. Add some heat or a creamy avocado,...

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Found Object Fixes for Unusual Travel Travails

Found Object Fixes for Unusual Travel Travails

A little ingenuity goes a long way when you’re a long way from home. That’s one of the things I like best about travel. Your bag of tricks is just a suitcase and your imagination so you have to be resourceful. On a ski trip in Colorado my son was very sick, and when...

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Zoos That Say, “Please Feed the Animals!”

Zoos That Say, “Please Feed the Animals!”

Whether it’s a rubbery-lipped giraffe gently plucking a leaf of lettuce from your hand or a rainbow-colored lorikeet sipping nectar from a tiny cup you hold, getting up close and personal with exotic animals is becoming a regular feature at zoos nationwide. It can be...

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Eight Wild Rides

Eight Wild Rides

A ring of pretty ponies spinning around a circular track is one way of looking at carousels – but it’s definitely old school. How about circling around on a bald eagle, an okapi, a giant grasshopper or one of Dr. Seuss’s cowfish as the jolly pipe organ plays?...

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